Alternative Medicine - Acupuncture Therapy
Acupuncture is a technique used to cure and prevent many diseases and illnesses. It is considered as one of the oldest techniques for treating many problems. Acupuncture has been around for almost 4,000 years, it remains a mystery to most of the citizens of the United States. It works by regulating the flow of energy within the body. Many people don't know about the benefits and how acupuncture works. Before starting the blog, let's take a glance at the acupuncture technique.
What is Acupuncture?
The acupuncture technique is basically originated from the Traditional Chinese Medicine practice. It is not based on the science instead it is a pseudoscience. The technique is applied by the trained and specialized practitioners who insert thin needles into the body at particular points to treat particular disease or ailments. In a list given by the WHO, in 1996, there are more than 64 medical problems that can be treated with the help of acupuncture technique. Some of these diseases and illnesses are- depression, cancer treatment, weight loss, gastrointestinal distress, poor appetite, fatigue, pain, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and insomnia.
Acupuncture is recommended as a medical alternative that is an effective method as well as a drug-free alternative to relax which reduce the intake of life-threatening medicines and have various side-effects. Here are a brief discussion where the acupuncture can be used frequently-
Headaches & Migraines- Headache and migraine are the two most painful because both the ailments have no permanent medication. But acupuncture can help to decrease the amount and severity of migraines and headache, such as tension headaches and sinus headaches. Some people regain their happy lifestyle after taking this treatment.
Stress- In this fast growing and modern world, we all experience some kind of stress.Each and everybody is suffering from stress whether it is a kid who is in school or an adult working in a reputed firm or the elderly people. Acupuncture technique is one of the pain relievers that can be used to relax your nervous system which ultimately reduce the stress.
Cancer Treatment- In 1997, the National Cancer Institute analyzed the advantages and safety of acupuncture as one of the independent cancer treatment. The study concluded the evidence that declares the effectiveness of acupuncture treatment. The study also states that the acupuncture is better than other alternatives. As it enhances certain blood cells that are used to kill the cancer cells in the body of a patient. It also boosts the function of the immune system which is important to defend the cancer cells.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)- According to the data available, more than 10 percent of boys and 5 percent of girls are suffering from ADHD disorder in the United States, This data is given by the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychology (AACAP). Due to the adverse side-effect of other treatments, people are now switching to the Acupuncture and its results are really good.
If you are searching for Acupuncture College in NY and want to work as an acupuncture specialist, consult- New York College of Health Profession.
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